Nevada Medical Marijuana Card

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Is Medical Marijuana Legal In Nevada?

Yes, medical marijuana is legal in Nevada. Nevada legalized medical marijuana in 2000 after two ballot measures were passed by the state’s voters in 1998 and 2000. The Nevada Medical Marijuana Act, known as Question 9, was approved by a vote of 58.7% in the 1998 elections. Being an initiative that would amend the Nevada Constitution, it needed to be approved in two consecutive elections. In 2000, Nevada voters reapproved medical marijuana use by passing Question 9 with a vote of 65.38%.

The Nevada Assembly formally legalized medical marijuana by passing Assembly Bill 453 (NRS 453A) in June 2001. However, there were limitations to the Act. While the Act established the Nevada Medical Marijuana Patient Registry, it did not provide for the retailing of medical marijuana to patients. Dispensaries could not be licensed under the program. Registered patients were only allowed to cultivate up to 12 marijuana plants for medicinal use. The Nevada Medical Marijuana Patient Registry is administered by the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH) under the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

In 2013, Nevada enacted Senate Bill 374 to allow for licensing of medical marijuana establishments. The law makes provision for marijuana cultivation, production, laboratory, and dispensary businesses. The first medical marijuana dispensary was opened in 2015. The medical marijuana program allows cardholders to possess 2.5 ounces of marijuana for medical purposes within a 14-day period, and since its inception, over 29,000 patients have been served by the program.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Nevada in 2025


Obtain a Medical Marijuana Recommendation: The first step in getting a Nevada medical marijuana card is to obtain a medical marijuana recommendation from a state-authorized healthcare provider. You can obtain this recommendation through an in-person appointment or via telemedicine


Submit an Application Online or by Mail: You can apply for a Nevada medical marijuana card online through the state's medical marijuana program online system or by using a paper application


Wait for Approval: If you applied online, a temporary registration card will be made available for printing on your profile within the application system once you are approved. You can use this temporary card for up to 60 days while waiting for your permanent card to arrive by mail

Qualifying Conditions for Medical Card in Nevada

Nevada in 2025 has a strict list of approved medical conditions for medical marijuana usage. Qualifying medical conditions include the following:

  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Cancer
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Opioid dependence or addiction
  • Cachexia, also known as a wasting syndrome (general physical wasting or malnutrition as a result of chronic diseases)
  • Glaucoma
  • Nausea
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
  • Epilepsy
  • Chronic or Severe pain
  • A neuropathic condition
  • Persistent muscle spasms, multiple sclerosis, or seizures
  • All conditions that are debilitating enough to severely stop a patient from enjoying a quality life

Persons with any of the qualifying medical conditions may apply for Nevada Medical Marijuana Registry cards provided they have physician certifications confirming the medical conditions. Nevada law prohibits persons who have been convicted of intentionally selling or trafficking controlled substances from obtaining medical marijuana registry cards. Nevada allows for medical marijuana reciprocity and allows medical marijuana patients with valid medical marijuana cards from other states to purchase, possess, and use medical marijuana in Nevada.

Can I Apply For A Medical Marijuana Card In Nevada Online?

Yes, the state has an online application portal for qualified patients to complete their medical marijuana card applications online. Eligible patients can obtain medical marijuana recommendations via telemedicine and complete their registry ID card applications online from their homes.

How Do I Register With the Nevada Medical Marijuana Program?

You can register with the Nevada medical marijuana program by applying for a medical marijuana patient registry ID card. A registry ID card is legal proof of your enrollment in the state program. The registry ID card application must be made to the Department of Health and Human Services Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH) using the Division's online application system or paper application. Note that only patients with qualifying conditions are allowed to apply for a Nevada medical marijuana card.

Do I Need To Be A Nevada Resident To Get A Medical Marijuana Card?

You must be a Nevada resident to obtain a medical marijuana registry ID card under the Nevada medical marijuana program. The state makes no exception for out-of-state residents to get medical marijuana cards under its medical marijuana program.

What Is The Cost Of A Nevada Medical Marijuana Card?

The cost of a Nevada medical marijuana card is $50 for an annual registration. An applicant may pay $100 for a 2-year license. The fees for caregivers and patients are the same. Applicants who apply online can make payments via credit or debit cards. Payments may also be made by mail through checks and money orders to the Medical Marijuana Division at:

Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health

ATTN: Medical Marijuana Division

4126 Technology Way, Suite 100

Carson City, Nevada 89706

All patients pay the same registration fees, and there is no discount for veterans and persons on financial aid. Caregivers also pay the same registration fees. The annual renewal fee for a Nevada medical marijuana card is $50.

What Do You Need When Visiting A Medical Marijuana Dispensary In Nevada?

A medical marijuana patient must hold their medical marijuana registry card and an identification card when visiting a licensed medical marijuana dispensary in Nevada. Acceptable forms of ID cards include a passport, a driver's license, or a Nevada-issued identification card. The physician-recommended dosage is indicated on the card, and the dispensary will sell medical marijuana up to the prescribed limit. Some dispensaries are licensed for both medical marijuana and adult-use marijuana. Hence, presenting a medical marijuana card at such dispensaries will entitle the cardholder to discounts on medical cannabis products.

Who Can Prescribe Medical Marijuana In Nevada?

Persons with qualifying medical conditions must be certified by Nevada board-certified healthcare providers before applying for a Nevada medical marijuana card. Only healthcare providers who are doctors of osteopathy (DO) or doctors of medicine (MD) and licensed in the state of Nevada can issue written certifications for medical marijuana. Nevada does not provide a list of healthcare providers that can issue medical marijuana certifications. Medical marijuana patients must be certified yearly by healthcare providers for medical marijuana therapy.

Get Certified For Medical Marijuana in Nevada

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Can A Minor Get A Medical Marijuana Card In Nevada?

Yes, minors under the age of 18 years can get medical marijuana cards in Nevada, provided their custodial parents or legal guardians agree to serve as their caregivers. The parents and legal guardians of minor patients must apply on behalf of the patients and sign “minor release” forms during the application process. Furthermore, minor patients may use medical marijuana but not purchase, possess, or cultivate it.

Can You Get A Medical Marijuana Card At 18 In Nevada?

Yes. Nevada recognizes residents as adults when they turn 18. When Nevada minors turn 18, the state allows them to apply for new medical marijuana cards as adults. As adults, they can apply for their cards online. Furthermore, adult applicants do not need parental consent and do not have to designate caregivers when applying for medical marijuana cards.

How To Renew Your Nevada Medical Marijuana Card

Nevada medical marijuana cards are usually renewed annually, except where the physician recommends it for a shorter period or an applicant paid for a 2-year license. It is recommended that a cardholder applies for a renewal 30 days before the expiration of the existing card. The renewal process is the same as applying for a new medical marijuana registry card.

Can You Grow Medical Marijuana In Nevada?

Yes. A medical marijuana cardholder can grow medical marijuana in Nevada provided they meet one of the following criteria:

  • The cardholder lives outside a 25-mile radius of an operating dispensary, or there is no dispensary in their county of residence
  • The dispensaries within a 25-mile radius of a cardholder do not provide the specific marijuana strains needed by the cardholder
  • There was no dispensary within a 25-mile radius of a cardholder when they applied for the medical marijuana card, and the cardholder has maintained their registration since then
  • The cardholder lacks the means to travel to a local dispensary
  • The cardholder is ill and cannot visit a local dispensary

Medical marijuana cardholders in Nevada who meet the stipulated criteria are allowed to cultivate up to 12 marijuana plants in their residences. This is irrespective of whether they are mature plants or immature plants. In addition, marijuana plants must be cultivated in an enclosed space and kept hidden from public view.

Nevada: Benefits Of Having A Medical Marijuana Card In A Recreational Marijuana-Legal State

Possessing a Nevada marijuana card offers the following benefits:

  • Save money by avoiding taxes: Medical marijuana buyers are exempted from the 10% retail excise tax on adult-use cannabis purchases. Hence, patients with valid medical marijuana cards spend less on marijuana in Nevada than those without the card
  • Higher purchase limits: A Nevada medical marijuana cardholder is allowed to purchase 2.5 ounces of marijuana or 10,000 milligrams of THC-infused marijuana products every 2 weeks. Conversely, recreational marijuana buyers are permitted to purchase no higher than 1 ounce of cannabis per time
  • Higher cultivation limits: Although only adults or patients living more than 25 miles away from dispensaries are allowed to grow marijuana plants, medical marijuana cardholders in this category are permitted to cultivate up to 12 mature plants, while persons without the card cannot grow more than 6 plants

Does Nevada Allow Medical Marijuana Patients To Designate Caregivers?

Yes, medical marijuana patients in Nevada can designate primary caregivers to assist them in purchasing, cultivating, and administering medical marijuana. A designated primary caregiver in the state must:

  • Be approved by an applicant’s physician
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Not be a medical marijuana patient
  • Not be serving other medical marijuana patients at the time of designating them

In Nevada, a designated caregiver cannot serve more than one patient, and a patient may only have one caregiver. A legal guardian or parent of a minor patient must serve as their designated primary caregiver. A patient interested in designating a primary caregiver must indicate such when applying for or renewing a medical marijuana card. Designated primary caregivers will also be subjected to criminal background checks. Persons convicted of controlled substance sales or trafficking are prohibited from serving as caregivers in Nevada.

Nevada Medical Marijuana Reciprocity

The State of Nevada offers medical marijuana reciprocity to patients from specific states and colonies in the United States. If you have medical marijuana from any of the state or local governments listed below, you can purchase medical marijuana in Nevada:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Connecticut
  • District of Columbia
  • Delaware
  • Ely Shoshone Tribe
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • New Mexico
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont
  • Washington
  • Yerington Paiute Tribe
  • Winnemucca Indian Colony

Are My Medical Marijuana Records Private?

In accordance with NRS 453A.700, the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health will not disclose:

  • Contents of applications, records, or documentation created or received by the Division under NRS 453A
  • The names or other identifying information of an attending physician, an individual who has applied for a medical marijuana card, or an individual to whom the Division has issued a medical marijuana card
  • Except as otherwise stipulated in NRS 239.0115 related to public records older than 30 years, information is confidential, not subject to discovery or subpoena, but not subject to inspection by the general public

However, the Division may disclose to authorized employees of the DPBH as required to perform official duties and approved employees of state and local law enforcement agencies only as necessary to verify if an individual is a lawful holder of a registry identification card.

Does Insurance Cover Medical Marijuana In Nevada?

No. Medical marijuana costs must be paid out of pocket as insurance does not cover them.

What Is The Medical Card Limit In Nevada?

The Nevada medical marijuana card allows the cardholder to purchase up to 2.5 ounces of flower, edibles, topicals, or concentrates every 2 weeks.

Can You Go To A Dispensary Without A Medical Card In Nevada?

Yes. Provided you are 21 or older and possess an active government ID, you can purchase cannabis at Nevada-licensed dispensaries without a medical marijuana card. However, patients looking to buy medical marijuana must present medical marijuana cards at state-approved dispensaries.

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